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Tammy Wellbrock enlightens and entertains with a contagious energy. As the founder of Girl Twin Solutions, Tammy inspires women to be more leaderful, purposeful and impactful.


Tammy Wellbrock



Gain the greatest value by having her speak at a luncheon plus for a seminar or training! Her goal is to send audiences home feeling inspired, energized and more insightful.


From workshops to breakout sessions and even webinars, Tammy explores strategies to help people “get out of their own way” and get back on the track for success.


After searching years for her own mentor, Tammy realized how few professional women are coaching others. Inspired to help others, Tammy hopes to influence more leaderful women.

Client Testimonials 

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“Tammy has assisted our State Association board with facilitating leadership activities as well as presenting continuing education seminars which were enlightening, informative and relevant to our members’ needs.  She is a fabulous speaker and facilitator, and I would highly recommend her to any business, individual or board needing help with leadership activities, strategic planning or speaking engagements.”

– Aimee, American Physical Therapy Association

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“Tammy was a valuable facilitator in our board’s strategic planning in 2021. She was also a wonderful addition in our Women and Leadership workshop series. She brings humor and inspiration along with great content. It is nice to have a speaker who is genuine and knows how to engage the audience.  We are excited to have her back for future events.”

– Candi, Coffeyville Area Chamber

Leaderful Woman

(adj.): Typical of or benefitting a female leader

The leadership gender gap is significant, persistent, and systemic. It will require both women and men working together to make progress, because it is a proven fact that businesses and groups with balanced teams are more successful.


That's why Tammy created the Leaderful Women Group as a place to support others, share ideas and build awareness on how to create/encourage more Leaderful Women.

Tammy Talk


Embracing Team Dynamics Since Birth

© 2022 Girl Twin Solutions, LLC. 

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